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Owner Employee Wages – Do They Qualify For ERC?

Question: I read the recent IRS Notice, but I’m not sure I understand whether or not an employee/owner’s wages qualify for the ERC. Help! Answer: On August 4, 2021, the IRS released Notice 2021-49 to answer exactly this question – albeit true-to-form in the confusing way only the IRS offers as an explanation. The notice addresses full-time equivalents, how to stack the ERC with tip credits, the timing of adding back wages for tax purposes, and whether a majority owner’s wages qualify for ERC. Is it possible the IRS is favoring orphans in this notice? It certainly appears that way. The original text of the CARES Act referenced the rules for Work Opportunity Credits. Specifically, the act indicates that relationships listed in Code Section 51 apply and, while not explicitly saying only payments made to the list of related parties were ineligible, most readers assumed wages to the owners were not disqualified. Here’s what the guidance now says.

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Gone Phishing: Don’t Get Scammers Catch You!

Today’s criminals are using more than hooks and lines (more like huge trawling nets), and they are looking for small as well as really big fish. If you think your tax practice is too small to be a target, you’re wrong. And you probably know that. You are probably well aware of the phishing and smishing (using SMS/text messaging) attempts that try to gain access to your firm’s computers and/or computer network.

Data Security: Understanding Your Responsibilities

Are you aware of your responsibilities when it comes to securing data? Do you know what your software vendor is doing with your data—and, more importantly, your client’s data? Signing up for a new service or software is often done without any thought of the consequences to the data that you are legally required to protect. The average tax professional uses many different types of software and services when working with a client. Many tax pros are unaware that this often requires consent to be obtained prior to using their client’s information and that failure to do so can result in significant fines and even criminal penalties.


Think Outside the Tax Box provides tax reduction strategies along with practical
implementation advice in order to reduce your clients’ federal tax bill with ease.

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