Capital Gain Strategies Archives - Think Outside the Tax Box

Capital Gain Strategies

By Peter J Reilly CPA

Sometimes it is Clear There are Lessons, But Not Clear What They Are

A recent opinion in the ongoing litigation in the case of Clair R. Couturier makes a really important point about the distinction between a penalty and a tax. We will get to that, but I would also like to discuss the larger story of the case as I struggle with what the lesson is. I thought this case might be a good illustration of Reilly’s Second Law of Tax Planning – Sometimes it’s better to just pay the taxes – but I’m not 100 percent sure, so I will let you be the judge.


Section 1244 Still Worth Remembering

The inherent optimism of entrepreneurs makes thinking about things that mitigate the effect of failure not that unpleasant. In a career in accounting, you are likely to see many deals that don’t work out, so it’s best to remember anything that will lessen the pain. Section 1244 is such a provision. Section 1244 allows what would otherwise be a capital loss to be treated as ordinary. Its significance has been somewhat diminished, but every little bit helps.

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Facts, Circumstances, and Forever Stamps

The price of a forever stamp increased from $0.58 to $0.63 on January 1, 2023. A tax pro posted this fact as a public service announcement on Facebook. Of course, tax pros being tax pros, someone chimed in, “Do I have to recognize a capital gain upon disposition of my forever stamp?” And of course, someone (me) felt obliged to answer, “It depends.” A direct message followed this bit of tax drollery on Twitter that says, “In theory, if I’m holding stamps as an investment, they would be a capital asset.” And so it begins…

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Getting Maximum Value from Small Business Stock Losses

When an individual sells a stock for a loss, it is a capital loss, and Congress makes it difficult for individuals to use their capital losses. The tax law only allows capital losses to the extent of capital gains. If capital losses exceed capital gains, the individual can only use up to $3,000 per year against ordinary income ($1,500 if married filing separately). However, there is a way around this rule: Losses on Section 1244 stock are ordinary losses, and claiming this valuable tax benefit allows an individual to save thousands of dollars in tax in the year of sale compared to the standard capital loss treatment. Let’s review what qualifies as Section 1244 stock, what benefits a taxpayer can get from Section 1244 stock, and how to claim those benefits on a tax return.

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Don’t Overpay Tax on Crypto Forks and Airdrops

Practically overnight, cryptocurrency has gone mainstream, with more and more investors funneling money into Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and other cryptocurrencies. The IRS has responded with increased interest and scrutiny, demonstrated by the addition of the cryptocurrency question on the front page of 1040. Whether you have invested in cryptocurrency or not, you are required to answer this tax return question. Many investors choose to take the most conservative position to avoid future correspondence from the IRS but trying to avoid a letter is no reason to pay more tax than necessary. Keep reading to learn more!

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Cryptocurrency Due Diligence for the Circular 230 Professional

Many tax professionals cringe at the thought of a client coming to them with cryptocurrency transactions. However, a May 2021 NASDAQ survey shows that 17 percent of American adults own crypto, making it harder for tax pros to avoid. It may soon be inevitable that practitioners will need to process cryptocurrency transactions. IRS Circular 230 requires practitioners to “possess the necessary competence” and to “exercise due diligence” in the return they prepare. Failure to meet these provisions could result in the taxpayer unnecessarily overpaying tax. What exactly does that require? Read on to find out!

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5 Ways to Avoid Biden’s Capital Gain Increase

The headlines have said it all. “Biden Wants up to 43 percent of Your Retirement Gains!” or “Americans Can’t Afford Biden Inflation Tax!” Also recently seen, “Biden Doubles Capital Gains Rate,” and “Biden Tax Rule Would Rip Billions From Big Fortunes at Death!” The hysteria presented in the media as we anxiously await proposed changes in tax law through the pending budget proposal has many investors debating whether or not to lock in low capital gains before anticipated tax hikes. Wealthy investors like Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet have reportedly been selling large numbers of stock market shares rumored as a response to news of an impending capital gains tax increase, many people are left wondering what moves, if any, should they take now to avoid higher taxes. Given that we know to anticipate higher taxes, here’s what you should do now to lock in taxes while they are on sale.

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Monetized Installment Sale – IRS Finally Says It Does Not Work

The promoters of Monetized Installment Sales got some bad news from the IRS earlier this month. The IRS released an analysis the Office of Chief Counsel did outlining six, count them six, ways in which the transaction does not work as the promoters claim. The release will not stop the industry in its tracks, but it will probably be a relief to practitioners who have been advising that the technique is flawed.

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Don’t Overpay Tax on Crypto Forks and Airdrops

Practically overnight, cryptocurrency has gone mainstream, with more and more investors funneling money into Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and other cryptocurrencies. The IRS has responded with increased interest and scrutiny, demonstrated by the addition of the cryptocurrency question on the front page of 1040. Whether you have invested in cryptocurrency or not, you are required to answer this tax return question. Many investors choose to take the most conservative position to avoid future correspondence from the IRS but trying to avoid a letter is no reason to pay more tax than necessary! After all, the Supreme Court has long held that a taxpayer has the right to do everything possible under the law to reduce tax.

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