Companies that specialize in the Credit for Increasing Research Activities (also known as the R&D tax credit) sell hard to our clients. During tax season they are online looking for businesses who may qualify for this credit—especially startups. They cast an extremely wide net that has the potential for a lot of bycatch. While it’s true that the R&D credit is often overlooked by small businesses and their return preparers, it’s not as easy to qualify for the credit as some of these companies want small business owners to believe. Savvy tax professionals can help to ensure that their qualifying business clients receive the benefit of this credit while avoiding situations that would make them ineligible for it.

10 Ways Certified Tax Planners Can Prepare for Increased IRS Focus on Documentation During Audits
The IRS is ramping up scrutiny of high-net-worth individuals and businesses, increasing audit rates by over 50% for those earning above $10 million. Recent IRS initiatives backed by Inflation Reduction Act funding have intensified enforcement on wealthy taxpayers, large partnerships, real estate investors, and tech businesses. IRS agents are digging deeper during audits and expecting taxpayers to produce more documentation to support every position on their returns. To help clients navigate this environment, certified tax planners must take proactive steps to bolster documentation and audit readiness. Below are ten authoritative strategies, complete with industry examples, IRS policy references, and best practices, to prepare for the increased IRS focus on documentation.