Loopholes Archives - Page 6 of 14 - Think Outside the Tax Box


By Timalyn Bowens, EA

Pig Butchering Can Slaughter Your Clients’ Finances

People use the online space to look for love, make business and financial decisions. And all of these decisions can have serious tax implications. That is why as trusted financial and tax advisors, it is important for us to be aware so we can help protect our clients. In 2024, the Federal Trade Commission released a report showing consumers reported losing $4.6 billion in investment scams. That's only the amount reported, so our clients are at risk if they are online making financial decisions. Today, let's look at a newer player in the online investment scam arena: pig butchering. If you're like me, you're probably thinking “what in the world does this have to do with taxes?” Unfortunately, everything. It leads to taxpayers receiving tax bills for money they withdrew but lost as victims of theft.


Beyond The Returns – Live Webinar Series Event!

Tax season is always demanding. But what comes after? As a dedicated tax professional, it's crucial to continually enhance your practice and adapt to an ever-changing landscape. Introducing the Beyond the Returns Series – an in-depth suite of four live webinars designed to transform your firm's future. Led by industry veterans, Amber Gray-Fenner, EA, NTPI Fellow, USTCP and Matt Metras, EA, this series promises actionable insights to ensure you're well-prepared for the 2024 filing season and the years to come. Don't miss out on this opportunity to redefine and rejuvenate your tax practice.

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TAX COURT ROUNDUP – September 2023

This roundup will spend a lot more space than usual on one story, because it’s the biggest of the year in Tax Court so far...

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Tax Court Roundup – August 2023

The dog days, the doldrums, the get-out-of-town days...they're here. The United States Tax Court is not immune, as the blockbuster cases and newsletter headliners have largely vanished. Still, there are report-worthy stories, despite the call of seashore and mountain meadow.

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Cautions in Tax Research — Finding True Guidance

The tax research process continues to grow increasingly complex for numerous reasons. This article notes several of these reasons and offers tips for your tax research process to be sure you have the latest appropriate guidance for answering tax questions and taking properly supported positions on tax returns.

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Here's the latest filings and tax court cases for July, 2023!

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Tax Court Roundup June 2023

This month I've decided to change format. I'm grouping Tax Court thumbnails by category. Not every reader deals with every issue. But coverage is still useful even where only a few specialize. Click here to read the latest happenings!

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Famous Bad Citizens and the Code That Caught Them – Al Capone

At its peak, Alphonse (Al) Capone’s criminal empire was worth approximately $1.3 billion when adjusted for inflation. On June 5, 1931, Capone was indicted on multiple counts of income tax evasion. At the time the maximum penalty for his offenses was 32 years in jail and $80,000 in fines (almost $1.6M in inflation adjusted dollars). The prosecution in Capone’s case “documented Capone's lavish spending, evidence of a colossal income. The government also submitted proof that Capone was aware of his obligation to pay federal income tax but failed to do so." Click here to keep reading about this fascinating case…

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Tax Court Roundup – May 2023

As always, much has happened in the tax courts this past month; let's jump right in!

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