Just in – the IRS dropped a hot alert about the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), and it's time to pay attention . With the March 22, 2024, deadline creeping up for the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program, it's crucial for those who mistakenly filed a claim to take action. This program lets businesses repay just 80% of the claimed amount, so it's a chance to make things right. If your clients filed a claim that's still in the pipeline, it's time for a double-check. Review the guidelines ASAP and withdraw the claim if it doesn't pass muster.

How to Advise on the EV Tax Credit
At one time, a federal tax credit toward the cost of an electric car seemed like a permanent idea to help fight pollution and climate change. Now, a political shift in the U.S. endangers the notion and, more to the point, makes advising clients tougher in a tighter timeframe. How and when can those clients interested in an electric car and the credit still secure a tax break?