Loopholes Archives - Page 10 of 13 - Think Outside the Tax Box


By Lewis C. Taishoff

TAX COURT ROUNDUP – February 2025

When we enter upon a new Administration, we wonder at the shape of things to come. But surely since 1916, we have never had an incoming Administration promise us a repeal of the income tax and the reestablishment of the import tariff as the principal source of Federal funding. I would not, however, immediately cease to follow the proceedings of the US Tax Court.


I Won! Now What? What Is the Tax Price of Success?

Lucky and talented folks win all sorts of prizes and awards. Often, the winnings have nothing to do with the winner’s business or profession, but sometimes there’s a professional or business connection. You might view your career arcs as a series of applications, interviews, hirings, promotions with one or multiple employers. But some career paths – musicians (both instrumental and vocal), songwriters, and composers come to mind – involve frequent auditions with a healthy dose of competition. The renown and visibility afforded to competition winners often open doors to career advancement – more and better engagements, management contracts, and media/recording opportunities. Competition prizes and awards are taxable. But these winnings might also be subject to self-employment tax that can be up to 15.3 percent on the taxable amount. While most professional musicians are in the business of being musicians, very few consider themselves in the business of being competition participants. The distinction is important and allows for tax planning and savings opportunities. To learn which is better for tax planning, keep reading.

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Client Alert

Can I Deduct My Dog?

Question: I’ve had clients ask and, of course, heard at cocktail parties the discussion about claiming a pet’s medical expenses and other costs. But what is the citation that prevents these deductions? Answer: Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a little tax help from the government by deducting your dog? Aside from the enormous price breeders charge for designer pets, there are vet bills, food (some people even have their pets eat raw or vegan), obedience classes, clothing, exercise, and daycare to name a few! While today’s is a softball question, I thought we could all use a break from the continuation of the never-ending tax season of 2020. It also raises the issue of citations and documentation. Have you tried finding the one that says you cannot deduct pet expenses? What about the one that says you can? Keep reading to learn how.

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Segregating Activities Can Optimize Tax Savings for Professional Gamblers, Gamers, and Contestants

You’re tax professionals. You don’t need me to tell you that the money you are going to win in the virtual office pool on “the big game” is taxable income. You also don’t need me to tell you can’t net your winnings with the cost of the wager. You don’t, right? Most of the rules for reporting gambling income and deducting gambling losses for individuals are well understood with the possible exception of the session rules for slot machine play. I’m not going there—well, not in this article. This article is going to explore the nuances of tax optimization for people who have decided to go all in and turn their leisure time activities into a job.

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IRS Issues Hobby Loss Audit Technique Guide

2021 had been shaping up to be a pretty slow year in the hobby loss arena until September. Then not long after Labor Day we got a revision of the audit technique guide Activities Not Engaged in for Profit Audit Technique Guide Internal Revenue Code Section. The previous update was issued in June 2009. The two documents are nor radically different, but there are some things worth noting. I will start off with some background on Section 183, but first I will introduce you to a likely target of the revenue agents boning up on the new guide.

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Turning Services into Property Can Create a Non-recognition Event

It’s not often that we get to wave a magic wand and turn a taxable transaction into a non-taxable transaction, but partnership taxation offers us this opportunity. Partnership taxation is extraordinarily flexible and combines tax-favored aspects of both corporate entity taxation and individual taxation. Proper planning and use of this flexibility can actually turn a contribution in return for a partnership interest from a recognition event that results in taxable income to you to a non-recognition event that merely adds to your basis in the partnership. The difference between contributing services versus property for a partnership interest is huge. Contribute services, and you have taxable compensation. Contribute property, and you have a non-recognition event. Determining whether your contribution is classifiable as property rather than services saves a ton in tax. Keep reading to learn how.

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Video Interview with Michael Kitces: Opening the Back Door to the ROTH IRA

Back in the spring of 2021 Editor-in-Chief, Dominique Molina, sat down with Michael Kitces from Kitces.com to discuss creative ways to use the ROTH IRA when developing tax planning strategies. This exclusive video interview is jam-packed with a variety of recommendations and suggestions highlighting the flexibility you gain in your planning when including the ROTH IRA as a tool! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

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Using Split-dollar Life Insurance as a Tax Loophole

I’m no fan of needlessly complicating people’s tax situations, and I often remind readers to consider administrative overhead and compliance costs in addition to tax savings when evaluating tax strategies. The following strategies work best for high-net-worth taxpayers and medium to large “small businesses.” I’m not talking about people who think they are high-net-worth, but if even after the estate tax exemption was doubled, you have to file an estate tax return (Form 706), this is you. If your individual or business net worth is in or is approaching the double-digit millions, this may not apply to you – yet. Keep reading anyway because it may be only a matter of time before you can use it or one of your “I wanna be a playa” clients comes to you asking about this strategy because they saw it on TikTok. Keep reading to learn more on how to save.

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The “Hey, Hey Just Don’t Pay” Tax Strategy

One of the favorite sayings of my first managing partner, the late Herb Cohan, was “I’d rather owe it to you than cheat you out of it.” To be honest, like some of the other sayings, I was never clear exactly what it meant. Nonetheless, I think it sums up pretty well a tax strategy that is becoming more viable every year. File a timely accurate return and just don’t pay. Wait 10years and celebrate when the statute of limitation on collections runs out. Did you know that not paying can be a strategy to get out of your tax bill? It can be, depending on the qualifications and your specific circumstances. Keep reading to see how to qualify.

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