Business Strategies Archives - Page 3 of 22 - Think Outside the Tax Box

Business Strategies

By Marie Torossian, CPA

Pinterest for Accountants: Curating Inspiring Financial Resources and Building Brand Awareness

As we continue our series of articles on various social media platforms, we will focus on Pinterest. As discussed, social media is an indispensable tool for professionals across multiple industries. Accountants, often perceived as traditional and reserved, can harness the power of these platforms to extend their reach, engage with clients, and establish a solid online presence. Pinterest is known for its easy visuals and use, offering unique opportunities for us accountants to curate boards with valuable financial resources. By strategically using Pinterest, we can attract and engage our target audience, drive website traffic, and build brand awareness.


Unlocking the Potential of Local SEO for Accountants: Dominating the Local Market

In today's digital age, where the competition among businesses is fiercer than ever, accountants are increasingly turning to local search engine optimization (SEO) to stand out in their communities. With many consumers relying on the internet to find local services, including accounting firms, harnessing the power of local SEO has become imperative for those looking to dominate their local market. In this article, I will explain the importance of local SEO for accountants and the difference between on-page and off-page SEO strategies to maximize visibility and attract clients within a targeted region.

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Side Hustles and Tax Tussles: Tax in the Gig and Share Economy Part Two

The gig economy involves more than one-off and part-time jobs. It also includes when you share your property in exchange for money. This can be a residential property, a vacation home, or even a vehicle. The gig economy has connected those who need rides and places to stay with owners via online platforms. We refer to this part of the gig economy as the share economy. Accessing these accommodations is easy with the online platforms. But how the people participating should report their income isn't quite as straightforward. Last time we looked at how your clients should report gig income, just like any other income made as a sole proprietor. But making money from renting your property out is different, right? If you have clients with rental properties, you report their income on Schedule E (1040), Supplemental Income and Loss. We know from last time that we report gig economy income on Schedule C (1040), Profit or Loss from Business. So, how does rental income derived from the share economy get reported on a tax return? Every taxpayer's favorite answer, it depends.

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When Clients Leave, Look for a New Niche

What are clients, especially niche clients, generally looking for in an accounting firm? How do they look for an accounting firm? Those questions need answers if you’re to grow your firm as clients inevitably drop away and need to be replaced. Here’s a look at why and when clients might want a new accounting firm – or be thinking about moving on from yours – and niches you might want to investigate to replace these clients.

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An Update on BOI Reporting

Misinformation, misinterpretations, and catastrophizing – much has been written these past few months about BOI (Beneficial Ownership Information), all coming from a range of voices, from tax professionals to politicians. There have been dire predictions of small business owners being ushered to jail for failing to file and fears of tax professionals rounded up for the unauthorized practice of law (UPL). Then there are those who mistakenly say BOI has been ruled unconstitutional and who reject any need to worry about it. That is profoundly wrong. Let’s look at the facts and put an end to all of this fearmongering.

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Building Your Firm’s Succession Plan from Within

One day, you won’t want to work anymore, at least not at your current firm. How do you pass on your firm for the best chances of success for everyone? That day when you step out the door for the last time may still seem far off, but when it comes – and it will – you’ll be thankful for an orderly departure. That many accounting firms never make it to a second generation indicates that a lot goes into successful succession plans: impressions of senior staff; the bottom line on your firm’s value and future; and, trickiest of all, just admitting that you need a succession plan. Hammer out details beforehand, especially if you, rather than merging your firm into another or selling your firm, want to groom your firm’s next leaders from within. How and when to start?

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Innovative Marketing Trends in 2024

As the accounting industry progresses, staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends is crucial for us accountants as we aim to attract and retain clients. The marketing landscape is witnessing a significant transformation through major technological advances and continuous changes in consumer purchase behavior, affecting how we attract clients as accountants and business owners. Therefore, to thrive in this dynamic environment, as accountants, we must embrace these innovative marketing strategies that resonate with modern clients. In this article, I'll discuss ten groundbreaking marketing techniques and how you can use them in your firm's marketing strategy.

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Segmenting Your Prospects: A Targeted Approach to Business Development

In the accounting field, where client relationships and personalized service are paramount, understanding and segmenting your client base must be a priority. As the accounting landscape evolves and clients diversify, a tailored approach to client segmentation becomes indispensable. Clients are no longer interested in a one-size-fits-all approach to sales and marketing. Therefore, as an accountant and a firm owner, you must adopt a targeted approach tailored to different customer segments' unique needs and characteristics. In this article, I will delve into the importance of client segmentation within accounting firms and provide insights into implementing this strategy so you can drive growth and enhance your client satisfaction.

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10 Ways CTPs Can Use the New Adobe AI Assistant to Analyze PDFs

Launched as a beta in February 2024, the Adobe AI Assistant is a generative AI-powered conversational engine feature within Adobe Acrobat. The app enables you to “chat” with PDF files in natural language and unlock new levels of document productivity. The AI Assistant can be likened to a knowledgeable librarian for digital documents. Just as a librarian assists you in finding the right books, navigating through complex archives, and answering detailed inquiries about content, the AI Assistant helps users navigate, understand, and extract key information from PDF documents. It provides summaries, clarifies content through answers and suggestions, and links to relevant sections, all designed to make your interaction with digital documents as enriching and efficient as a visit to a well-staffed library.

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