Client Alert - Think Outside the Tax Box

Client Alert

Electronic Commerce Creates Confusing Sales Tax Obligations

Any company engaged in e-commerce, i.e., selling online, knows that the ability to reach buyers and customers remotely can juice the bottom line. State and local tax jurisdictions around the country know that, too, especially the bottom line of their sales tax coffers. Now every state with a statewide sales tax has a threshold past which remote sellers must collect and remit state sales tax. Failure to do so can incur big penalties, or worse, and there’s a lot to know based on where and what you sell online.

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Client Alert

What’s at Stake? It’s Not a Loaf of Bread

The IRS loves to issue cryptocurrency guidance when it’s the most inconvenient for me personally. I’m not sure how they accessed my calendar, but it certainly feels like this one was intentional. I was at a tax conference over the summer to teach an introduction to crypto class immediately after lunch. I had just finished eating when my phone started blowing up. The IRS published a new Revenue Ruling on Staking, 45 minutes before I was to teach about it. I read the six-page document, tried to digest it, and considered how I needed to adapt my material on the fly. Another frequent (but not to be named) Tax Box contributor present at the conference teased me about the situation I found myself in. The class went fine, though, because even with a surprise ruling, the IRS didn’t really say anything surprising. In typical IRS fashion, it also created more questions than it answered.

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