A case currently before the Supreme Court, Charles Moore, G. Moore et ux. v. United States , has the court looking at some of the fundamentals of the Constitution’s treatment of taxation. Advocates of various views are hoping for an earthshaking result. Also, many “tax protester” arguments base themselves on misreading of Supreme Court decisions from around the time of the 16th Amendment. Knowing a fuller version of what surrounds the snippets they feed you probably won’t help you bring them around if they have drunk deep of the tax protester Kool-Aid, but it will help you maintain your own sanity. Let’s start with what the Moore case is about.

Renewable Energy Tax Credits: An Opportunity to Sustainably Optimize Taxes
Investment Tax Credits (“ITCs”) and Production Tax Credits (“PTCs”, and together with ITCs, “RETCs”) have existed for decades and reflect the U.S. government’s commitment to incentivizing clean energy solutions in industry and commerce. The availability of RETCs was most recently extended by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”), which fundamentally transformed policy in this space by tying such credits’ expiration to the U.S. reaching certain targets for greenhouse gas reductions. While the recent change in Executive Branch leadership casts doubt over the longevity of RETCs, a full repeal seems unlikely given the scope and scale of domestic projects which utilize and benefit from such credits. This article discusses how RETCs may benefit both buyers and sellers in an increasingly uncertain environment.