Those of us who are parents of Gen Z children know it’s “no cap ” that we have no clue what our children get up to on the internet. My son, for example, makes a lot of YouTube videos of our cat for some reason. Thankfully, he hasn’t monetized his videos (yet!), so they don’t carry any tax consequences. However, many taxpayers are finding out that their dependents have spent their time in the metaverse, defi gaming, or nfts, and as a result have engaged in dozens to thousands of taxable transactions without even being aware it. Those transactions may also trigger the “Tax on a Child's Investment and Other Unearned Income,” also known as the “Kiddie Tax.” Read on to learn more...
Kovel: Attorney-Client Privilege for Tax Professionals
Twice in my four-decade career, two special agents from IRS Criminal Investigation (CI) entered my office armed with a search warrant, firearms at their side. In both cases, it started the same way.