Albert Lauber, my favorite Tax Court judge, gave us an opinion in February that paints a detailed picture of the workings of a syndicated conservation easement. In the end, he supports the findings of the Senate Joint Finance Committee that the engine of these abusive transactions is an inflated appraisal. In November, David Gustafson issued an opinion that exposed the financial engineering techniques that promoters engaged in. We’ll take a look at those, but first I would like to give you an overview, because we may need that to figure out the lessons to be learned.

Leaving the United States, Part III: Dual Citizenship
In Part I of this three-part series, we discussed the implications and taxes for American expatriates. In Part II we turned our attention to renouncing citizenship. Here in Part III, we will consider the halfway point of dual citizenship. And as you would expect, taxes are a serious consideration.