A penalty specifically for taxpayers who have made a mistake on their return. That's how I explain the accuracy related penalty to taxpayers. This penalty carries a punch as well, with 20% of the tax the IRS didn't receive due to the taxpayer making a mistake. This seems harsh out of context. The reason for this harshness is because the IRS considers these "mistakes" to be intentional due to taxpayer negligence. This is one of the reasons at my firm that we encourage our clients to take their time when filling out the intake form and gathering their documents. Omitting an income document can be costly in the end to both you and your client. The IRS will hit your client with penalties that they could have avoided, and you may compromise the integrity of your firm.

Don’t Forget About the Refund Statute Expiration Date
Have you ever found an amazing strategy for a new tax prospect that they missed in previous years? Even worse, have you realized that you overlooked a client’s eligibility for a credit when you prepared their tax return? Not only that, but you had them make an unnecessary estimated tax payment. Well, it may not be too late for your client and prospect to take advantage of those credits for the year in question. The fate of your client isn’t sealed after filing their tax return. The IRS gives taxpayers a set amount of time to make a claim for a credit on their return. The IRS calls the date that this time sunsets the Refund Statute Expiration Date.