A really neat thing happens when you turn 70 and ½. Your IRAs essentially turn into donor advised funds if you don’t need all the money in them to make ends meet. Rather than withdraw money from your IRA to make charitable contributions, you can make them out of the IRA. So instead of an itemized deduction, you get an exclusion from adjusted gross income. For some people this might be a wash, but for most it probably isn’t. Besides the possibility of not being over the standard deduction threshold, there are a host of computations and thresholds that involve AGI. There are some things you need to watch out for, but first let’s go over the basics.
How to Advise on the EV Tax Credit
At one time, a federal tax credit toward the cost of an electric car seemed like a permanent idea to help fight pollution and climate change. Now, a political shift in the U.S. endangers the notion and, more to the point, makes advising clients tougher in a tighter timeframe. How and when can those clients interested in an electric car and the credit still secure a tax break?