One day, you won’t want to work anymore, at least not at your current firm. How do you pass on your firm for the best chances of success for everyone?
That day when you step out the door for the last time may still seem far off, but when it comes – and it will – you’ll be thankful for an orderly departure. That many accounting firms never make it to a second generation indicates that a lot goes into successful succession plans: impressions of senior staff; the bottom line on your firm’s value and future; and, trickiest of all, just admitting that you need a succession plan.
Hammer out details beforehand, especially if you, rather than merging your firm into another or selling your firm, want to groom your firm’s next leaders from within.
How and when to start?

Renewable Energy Tax Credits: An Opportunity to Sustainably Optimize Taxes
Investment Tax Credits (“ITCs”) and Production Tax Credits (“PTCs”, and together with ITCs, “RETCs”) have existed for decades and reflect the U.S. government’s commitment to incentivizing clean energy solutions in industry and commerce. The availability of RETCs was most recently extended by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”), which fundamentally transformed policy in this space by tying such credits’ expiration to the U.S. reaching certain targets for greenhouse gas reductions. While the recent change in Executive Branch leadership casts doubt over the longevity of RETCs, a full repeal seems unlikely given the scope and scale of domestic projects which utilize and benefit from such credits. This article discusses how RETCs may benefit both buyers and sellers in an increasingly uncertain environment.