2024 Summer Education Series Event Calendar - Think Outside the Tax Box

2024 Summer Education Series Event Calendar

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Summer is on the way and while the kids might be getting out of school, it is a perfect time for all good tax professionals to head into the classroom and get serious about their education!

Thankfully, Think Outside the Tax Box along with our friends at Vistia and Sandy Bay Partners is here to help!

That’s right! We are going to make education fun, interesting and EASY! Because it is time for the 3rd Annual Think Outside the Tax Box 2024 Summer Education Series!

This year’s Summer Education Series features regular contributors like Annette Nellen, CPA, CGMA, ESQ., and Marie Torossian, CPA, as well as TOTTB Editor-in-Chief, Dominique Molina, CPA, MST, CTS among many. These seven, one-hour webinars are designed to help you get educated, feel inspired, and ignite the growth of your business! As an added bonus, we are offering free continuing education credits for all those in attendance that qualify!

All of this is included in the Basic or Professional subscription! Here’s what we have in store for you…


MAY 23rd from 11am PST to 12pm PST
Speakers: Dominique Molina, CPA, MST, CTS
When to Register: Look for the first registration email Thursday, May 9th!

Designing tax plans can be tricky – especially when trying to line up your clients’ unique (and sometimes wacky) circumstances with the black and white of the law. This session is all about learning how to interpret and document your research findings.  We’ll cover the hierarchy of authoritative guidance, which interpretations can be relied upon, and how to protect your recommendations (and your client) during an examination.

Additional: We are offering a FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT to all qualifying participants courtesy of our friends at the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners!

CLOSING THE GAP: Mastering the Sales Process for Accountants and CPAs

JUNE 6th from 11am PST to 12pm PST
Speakers: Marie Torossian, CPA
When to Register: Look for the first registration email 5/9/24!

Revolutionize your accounting business by embracing sales training, mastering the sales process, and avoiding common follow-up and negotiation mistakes.

Join this highly anticipated session featuring strategies by the internationally renowned sales expert Grant Cardone, facilitated by Marie Torossian, a 10X Certified Elite Coach. Discover the transformative power of mastering the sales process for accountants and CPAs. Gain invaluable insights, practical strategies, and insider tips to increase your closing rate, save time, and achieve sustainable growth for your firm. Take this opportunity to elevate your sales skills and unlock your potential for success in the accounting industry.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Recognize the crucial role of sales training for accountants and CPAs: Understand the significance of integrating sales skills into your accounting practice. Gain insights into why traditional education often overlooks the sales process and discover how honing your sales abilities can give you a competitive edge.
  • Learn effective sales strategies: Acquire practical techniques and proven methods specifically designed for professionals. Benefit from Grant Cardone’s wealth of expertise: build out your sales process, communicate value proposition, overcome objection, and close deals with confidence.
  • Avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your sales success: Learn how to navigate the challenges of integrating sales into your accounting practice, avoid common mistakes, streamline your sales approach, and significantly improve your closing rate.

Additional: We are offering a FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT to all qualifying participants courtesy of our friends at the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners!

FROM ACRES TO IMPACT: Mastering Charitable Land Donations for Lasting Change

JUNE 27th from 11am PST to 12pm PST
SPONSORED EVENT – SANDY BAY: https://www.sandybaypartners.com/
Speakers: David Johnson and Nick Dolya sponsored by our friends at Sandy Bay Partners!
When to Register: Missed the 5/9/24 registration email? Look for the second registration email on 6/12/24!

As the tax season approaches, we at Sandy Bay Partners would like to draw your attention to the benefits of charitable land donations (“CLDs”) for investors.

Charitable land donations can be an excellent way for individuals and businesses to support charitable causes while also benefiting from related tax deductions. By investing in a partnership that will be donating land to a charitable organization, our investors can make a positive impact on their communities while receiving meaningful tax benefits.

We understand that navigating the tax laws around charitable land donations can be complex, which is why we are here to help. Our team at Sandy Bay Partners has extensive experience working with investors to maximize the tax benefits of charitable donations, including land donations.

Here’s what you can expect to learn in this webinar:

  • How Charitable Land Donations work
  • Valuation techniques used to appraise the land
  • Economics of the partnerships being created
  • Risks associated with charitable land donations
  • Walkthrough of a live deal

Additional: We are offering a FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT to all qualifying participants courtesy of our friends at the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners!


JULY 11th from 11am PST to 12pm PST
Speaker: Annette Nellen, CPA, CGMA, ESQ.
When to Register: Missed the 5/9/24 registration email? Look for the second registration email on 6/12/24!

With super long sentences, terms with inconsistent definitions, words in parentheses, and a structure we might overlook, it is not always easy to read, interpret and apply Internal Revenue Code provisions with confidence. This webinar goes over several tips for reading the IRC effectively with examples. So, let’s get into the IRC’s general rules, exceptions, special rules, definitions, subchapters, parts and subparts, and effective dates and leave with easy to apply tips for effectively dealing with a complex IRC.

Additional: We are offering a FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT to all qualifying participants courtesy of our friends at the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners!


JULY 25th from 11am PST to 12pm PST
SPONSORED EVENT – VISTIA: https://vistia.com/
Speaker: Chase Ravsten
When to Register: Missed the second registration email from 6/12/24? Look for the final registration email on 7/16/24!

In this webinar we will cover what is going on with conservation easement audits, current case law and results, and what will be happening in the industry moving forward. We will also cover other potential litigation issues to be aware of from the charitable contribution space and how that can affect your clients.

Additional: We are offering a FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT to all qualifying participants courtesy of our friends at the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners!


AUGUST 8th from 11am PST to 1pm PST
Speaker: Lucien P. Gauthier, Esq., LL.M., CPA, Founder of the Boston Tax Institute
When to Register: Missed the second registration email from 6/12/24? Look for the final registration email on 7/16/24!

Topics include at least 36 factors to consider in the purchase and sale of a corporate business; the principle methods of disposing of a business; disposition of C/S corporation assets or stock including the sale of S stock to a purchasing corporation which makes a section 338(h)(10) election; tax consequences to buyer/seller including bonus depreciation after 09/17 for used property, expanded section 179 expensing, and impact of calculation of gain on qualified business income under Section 199A; allocation of consideration and information reporting on Form 8594 by buyers and sellers under section 1060; a  review of section 197 on the amortization of intangibles such as goodwill, customer lists, and covenants not to compete; a discussion of cases such as Norwalk, Frontier Chevrolet, Bemidji, Muskat, and Recovery Group, Inc.; and so much more.

Additional: We are offering a FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT to all qualifying participants courtesy of our friends at the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners!


AUGUST 20th from 11am PST to 12pm PST
SPONSORED EVENT – VISTIA: https://vistia.com/
Speaker: Chase Ravsten
When to Register: Missed the second registration email from 6/12/24? Look for the final registration email on 7/16/24!

We will review how opportunity zone, and oil & gas investments play out for your clients and how you can use them in your planning this year.

We will discuss safe, best practice methods for use of oil and gas investing as a tax deferral and investment for your client. We will discuss finding the right client and how to present the right options. We will walk you through why clients use this type of investment as a tool and how it can benefit both you and them.

With the opportunity zone legislation potentially sunsetting, how can you still take advantage of this tool and why would you? We will walk you through the pitfalls and opportunities in planning with the use of this strategy.

Additional: We are offering a FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT to all qualifying participants courtesy of our friends at the American Institute of Certified Tax Planners!


WHEN IS IT ALL HAPPENING: Live Webinar Events on May 23rd, June 6th, June 27th, July 11th, July 25th, August 8th, and August 20th!

HOW TO REGISTER: Make sure you are a subscriber and look for the email to our First event on Thursday, May 11th with many more to follow later!

WHY: To help Educate, Inspire, and Ignite you and your tax business!

WHO: A mix of our regular columnists, guest speakers, and  valued sponsors.

WHAT: A summer long series of live webinar events!

WHERE: Zoom!

WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE THIS BETTER?!: We are offering free CE Credit for qualifying attendees courtesy of our valued sponsors, Vistia, and Sandy Bay Partners!



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