November 15, 2021 - Think Outside the Tax Box

November 15, 2021

Your Inventory’s Inflation Can Be Your Tax Savings

The pandemic forced businesses to adapt in many ways. The economic recovery has highlighted supply chain issues exacerbated by strong demand and leading to overall inflation. Businesses are now continuing to adapt to higher prices. If you have inventory, you perhaps can realize tax benefits to help with this inflationary effect through the Last-In, First-Out inventory method (LIFO). LIFO inventory methods are hardly a new tax concept, but taxpayers often may have ignored them due to complexity or periods of marginal inflation. This strategy deserves a second look during a year of high inflation. Read on to learn more about this tax savings strategy and the simplified calculation methods available.

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Cryptocurrency Due Diligence for the Circular 230 Professional

Many tax professionals cringe at the thought of a client coming to them with cryptocurrency transactions. However, a May 2021 NASDAQ survey shows that 17 percent of American adults own crypto, making it harder for tax pros to avoid. It may soon be inevitable that practitioners will need to process cryptocurrency transactions. IRS Circular 230 requires practitioners to “possess the necessary competence” and to “exercise due diligence” in the return they prepare. Failure to meet these provisions could result in the taxpayer unnecessarily overpaying tax. What exactly does that require? Read on to find out!

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Just Good Business: Partners in a Real Estate Deal? Think Twice Before Forming That LLC

The limited liability corporation or LLC is one of the most popular entity choices for small business owners. And for good reason. An LLC is relatively simple to form and, as the name suggests, it provides a limited amount of liability protection for business owners. Nevertheless, some business owners are often unaware that an LLC has no inherent tax advantages (because, as our readers know, the Feds disregard it for tax purposes) over other types of entities (or even no entity at all). You should always be encouraged to make your entity choice based on a variety of factors, including both potential tax treatment and the administrative burden associated with it. How do you use an LLC to save tax, and better yet ensure it isn’t costing you more than it needs to? Keep reading to find out.

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The “Hey, Hey Just Don’t Pay” Tax Strategy

One of the favorite sayings of my first managing partner, the late Herb Cohan, was “I’d rather owe it to you than cheat you out of it.” To be honest, like some of the other sayings, I was never clear exactly what it meant. Nonetheless, I think it sums up pretty well a tax strategy that is becoming more viable every year. File a timely accurate return and just don’t pay. Wait 10years and celebrate when the statute of limitation on collections runs out. Did you know that not paying can be a strategy to get out of your tax bill? It can be, depending on the qualifications and your specific circumstances. Keep reading to see how to qualify.

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