Guest Article Archives - Page 8 of 36 - Think Outside the Tax Box

Guest Article

By Joshua Youngblood

Best Practices for Surviving (and Helping Your Client Survive) an IRS Audit

Few things strike fear in our clients’ hearts more than an IRS notice, especially one that says a client's tax return is being examined or audited. While this must be dealt with on a timely basis, it is not a reason for you, the tax professional, or the client to panic. Here, I’ll discuss a range of best practices to ensure the success of your client’s case, plus what to do when things go awry.


Innovative Marketing Trends in 2024

As the accounting industry progresses, staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends is crucial for us accountants as we aim to attract and retain clients. The marketing landscape is witnessing a significant transformation through major technological advances and continuous changes in consumer purchase behavior, affecting how we attract clients as accountants and business owners. Therefore, to thrive in this dynamic environment, as accountants, we must embrace these innovative marketing strategies that resonate with modern clients. In this article, I'll discuss ten groundbreaking marketing techniques and how you can use them in your firm's marketing strategy.

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Segmenting Your Prospects: A Targeted Approach to Business Development

In the accounting field, where client relationships and personalized service are paramount, understanding and segmenting your client base must be a priority. As the accounting landscape evolves and clients diversify, a tailored approach to client segmentation becomes indispensable. Clients are no longer interested in a one-size-fits-all approach to sales and marketing. Therefore, as an accountant and a firm owner, you must adopt a targeted approach tailored to different customer segments' unique needs and characteristics. In this article, I will delve into the importance of client segmentation within accounting firms and provide insights into implementing this strategy so you can drive growth and enhance your client satisfaction.

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10 Ways CTPs Can Use the New Adobe AI Assistant to Analyze PDFs

Launched as a beta in February 2024, the Adobe AI Assistant is a generative AI-powered conversational engine feature within Adobe Acrobat. The app enables you to “chat” with PDF files in natural language and unlock new levels of document productivity. The AI Assistant can be likened to a knowledgeable librarian for digital documents. Just as a librarian assists you in finding the right books, navigating through complex archives, and answering detailed inquiries about content, the AI Assistant helps users navigate, understand, and extract key information from PDF documents. It provides summaries, clarifies content through answers and suggestions, and links to relevant sections, all designed to make your interaction with digital documents as enriching and efficient as a visit to a well-staffed library.

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What Clients Should Know About Innocent Spouse Relief

Some clients marry into tax trouble – and then have no clue how to get out. Others are on the cusp of a separation or divorce and want the uncoupling (at least in the eyes of tax authorities) to start ASAP. Few clients who need the IRS tool called “innocent spouse relief” to unshackle themselves from a spouse’s tax mess (either one that spouse brought to the marriage or one they racked up later) seem to know about it. Here’s what to tell such a client about what this relief does and does not cover and what your client will have to prove before they can qualify – as well as how difficult this relief can be to get.

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No dramatic developments this month, but some technical inputs worth noting. A good practitioner is always learning; it's so much better to learn from other peoples' mistakes than one's own.

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Three Rules for the Augusta Rule

Today I want to talk about the quick question, “Can I rent my home to my business tax free?” The answer is not straightforward. It takes time to look at the specific set-up of that taxpayer's business. It requires a bit of research. You need to know things like: ● What's the fair market value of renting your home? ● How many days will you rent your home to your business? ● Can we substantiate that this rental is ordinary and necessary? Amber Gray-Fenner already did an excellent job of explaining the Augusta Rule in an earlier issue of the newsletter. So, I won't go over all the same points. I want to look at what the Augusta Rule is and how it came about. Then, we'll look at three takeaways for you to remember in your practice and give to your clients.

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Death and Taxes: What Clients Should Know About the Death of a Spouse

Even your most financially savvy client isn’t going to think clearly after the death of their spouse. Taxes will be last on their minds. That’s where you’ll come in, nudging them toward tax and money moves both immediate and long-term, from filing returns to budgeting income to taking a step-up in basis. Above all, don’t assume grieving clients know these details or that they’ll remember them in one of life’s toughest moments.

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Looking Bad for Investors in Syndicated Conservation Easements

Albert Lauber, my favorite Tax Court judge, gave us an opinion in February that paints a detailed picture of the workings of a syndicated conservation easement. In the end, he supports the findings of the Senate Joint Finance Committee that the engine of these abusive transactions is an inflated appraisal. In November, David Gustafson issued an opinion that exposed the financial engineering techniques that promoters engaged in. We’ll take a look at those, but first I would like to give you an overview, because we may need that to figure out the lessons to be learned.

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