Guest Article Archives - Page 4 of 36 - Think Outside the Tax Box

Guest Article

By Matt Metras, EA

DeFi-nitely Confusing: Final Regulations for Digital Asset DeFi Brokers

Well, at least the treasury department is true to form. They have ruined yet another international trip for me, which is the third time if you’re keeping track at home. This time it was a weekend trip to Toronto, which coming from upstate New York is technically “international,” yet somehow substantially closer to home than New York City. Late afternoon on the Friday before New Year’s Eve, the Treasury released another 115 pages of Digital Asset Regulations, along with a 13 page notice for good measure. As we’ve discussed previously on TOTTB, the last set of regs punted on a number of more complex crypto issues. This most recent release is all about one of those issues, Decentralized Finance, better known as “DeFi.”


Talking Taxes and Money With New Graduates

Clients who recently graduated college brim with enthusiasm for adult life. If they’re like most other adults, they’re less enthusiastic about tax strategies and probably don’t know much about grown ups’ taxes. Some might not even know filing deadlines and may never have filed a 1040. Withholding, deductions and dependency, saving for retirement and lowering taxable income: It’s always difficult to realize all that others don’t know about taxes, and here’s how to continue these young clients’ education.

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X (Twitter) Strategies for Accountants: Establishing Thought Leadership and Engaging with the Community

Professionals across various fields use X (Twitter) as an essential tool to establish thought leadership, engage with their communities, and grow their influence. For accountants, X offers a unique opportunity to share industry insights, participate in relevant conversations, connect with influencers, and demonstrate expertise. Let's explore how you, the accountant, can leverage X to your advantage, offering practical strategies and real-world examples.

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From The Government And Not There To Help You

The story of James J. Maggard has some interesting and possibly valuable lessons. The one that strikes me as particularly important is that it makes it crystal clear that disproportionate distributions contrary to a corporation’s governing documents will not blow its S election. That does not mean that disproportionate distributions are just fine and that you don’t need to address them. There is a practical lesson about being careful who you take on as fellow shareholders. And there is another slightly odd lesson, that almost makes me want to create a new law of tax planning: Don’t deliberately involve the IRS in your business disputes. Their job is not to help you.

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Tax Policy and Reform Considerations for the Next President and 119th Congress

Something we never have a shortage of are proposals to change our tax systems. When it’s election time, we hear even more proposals, as well as how various parts of our tax system are flawed, usually due to actions or inactions of the opposing party. We also hear lots of incomplete statements, promises of tax changes too costly to be enacted, and ideas that will be replaced by the time the winner gets down to crafting a real set of tax and budget proposals. This article describes some of the tax proposals of the two presidential candidates along with suggestions on how we should analyze them against principles supporting effective tax systems, with highlights of some important facts seemingly missing from current tax discussions. These proposals are also relevant to members of Congress as to whether they support any of them and how they align with tax changes that the member would like to see enacted.

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TAX COURT ROUNDUP – October 2024

Much of what happens in Tax Court is run-of-the-mill. Once the tax general practitioner learns the jurisdictional limits and procedural moguls, s/he can advise clients whether to spend the sixty bucks and the certified mail fees when TAS, Examination or Appeals can't deliver an acceptable result. Following the Court's orders and opinions for a while should do that. I try to present the less-than-usual, below-radar points for generalists and specialists.

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Don’t Let the IRS Put Your Client in The Penalty Box

There’s only one thing worse than your client overpaying their taxes when you could have helped them – them not paying enough in taxes and having to deal with penalties as well. It's like adding insult to injury. There is only so much that we can do to help our clients avoid penalties. Educating ourselves, so we can educate our clients, is a big part of that. Penalties are inevitable, but that doesn't mean that the client must max out their penalties. But it also doesn't mean that we should not do our due diligence to avoid penalties where possible.

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Remind Your Clients About Higher-Education Tax Credits

A new school year is here and, for many families, so are the worries over the cost of tuition and other college expenses. The cost keeps skyrocketing every academic year, and these days that diploma comes with an average of almost $29,000 in debt for most graduates. Many of them also carry that debt well into middle age. Families paying for these educations need every break they can get. The federal government offers education tax credits (and other tax breaks on college costs), but don’t assume your client has the brain space at this stage of life to learn about them. Even your clients who can afford college would appreciate learning about ways to save on higher education. Here’s what to tell them.

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Leveraging LinkedIn for Accountants: Building a Strong Professional Network

Networking has transcended physical boundaries into a digital world in the last five years. Of all the social media platforms, LinkedIn stands out as ideal for professionals across industries to connect, engage, and build meaningful relationships. For accountants, leveraging LinkedIn effectively can be a game-changer in expanding their professional network, attracting clients, and establishing thought leadership. In this article, I will discuss how accountants can harness LinkedIn's power to enhance their visibility, credibility, and business success. Some features are only available in Business or premium membership. Still, I am providing you with all the resources LinkedIn offers. Let's get started.

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