Guest Article Archives - Page 14 of 36 - Think Outside the Tax Box

Guest Article

By Joshua Youngblood

Best Practices for Surviving (and Helping Your Client Survive) an IRS Audit

Few things strike fear in our clients’ hearts more than an IRS notice, especially one that says a client's tax return is being examined or audited. While this must be dealt with on a timely basis, it is not a reason for you, the tax professional, or the client to panic. Here, I’ll discuss a range of best practices to ensure the success of your client’s case, plus what to do when things go awry.


Some of What You Need to Know to Do 1041 Right Because Nobody Knows Everything

There was a recent IRS memo from an associate chief counsel that should be shocking but actually isn’t. Promoters have for many years been hawking a “copyrighted non-grantor irrevocable complex discretionary spendthrift trust,” which purported to avoid capital gains tax. You could learn about it on TikTok. It “worked” by citing Section 643(a)(3), which excludes capital gains allocable to corpus from distributable net income. You and I both know that DNI is not taxable income, but not everybody who learns the tax law from TikTok has caught onto that subtle point yet. Although I have never encountered anything as egregious as the “copyrighted, etc, etc, trust” I have seen a lot of problems with trusts over the years (and partnerships and SALT – don’t get me started). Much of it has to do with working under a lot of pressure. Often, the things that are wrong end up not mattering all that much, but I get a little frightened, because maybe one of these days the IRS is going to start getting its act back together. If it does, I think things may be a little shocking to practitioners who have grown up in an environment where enforcement has been progressively gutted.

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A Supreme Court Decision Could Rewrite Penalties for Foreign Accounts

Tax reporting of overseas accounts has always been an extra chore for some American taxpayers. Now they might have to play a guessing game as well after the Supreme Court’s Bittner decision early this year. The case is a prime example of how taxpayers with international holdings might wrest better tax judgments in the future.

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“AI Inside” – What Does that Even Mean?

Remember back in the day when having your tax and accounting software in the "Cloud" was the newest, coolest thing? Even if it took us 10 years to realize that the "cloud" just meant someone's server somewhere else? Similarly, have you noticed that our tax and accounting products have a sprinkling of AI now? And if they don't, they're talking about how they'll be AI-ing soon? (And if they're not talking about it, do we even want them in our toolbox?) Let's chat about what it means to have "AI Inside", especially with the rise of tools like ChatGPT and Bard. The "AI Inside" label is becoming ubiquitous but can mean many things, so let's discuss. I'd hate for you to get excited about an AI feature only to discover that you can access it via one of the widely available Generative AI (GenAI) tools (ChatGPT, BingChat, Bard, Claude, etc.). While this new technology has fundamentally shifted everything, what does it mean for us as tax professionals? On this journey of exploring what "AI Inside" really means, we're going to discuss what's going on under the hood. We'll also dive into why creating a fully functional "TaxGPT" is challenging right now. (Notice I said "right now"). Finally, we can look at what "AI Inside" tools would be handy, even if you CAN get that functionality out of the regular ol' GenAI applications. In the end, you'll know whether to be impressed or pass. And, even more importantly, you'll know whether to spend the extra money on those tools.

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Prepare For the Day When You Don’t Have More Work Than You Know What To Do With

In the last few months, I have been getting "seems like old times" feeling as interest rates rise. They remain laughably low by the standards of my early days in the business. I can remember prime being 20%. And then there are all these issues with office rentals thanks to the aftermath of the plague. One of the nice things about a career in accounting is that while you are affected by business cycles the need for our work is somewhat continuous. I’m thinking that now might be a good time to get ahead of the curve a little and study up on a Code Section that may be coming up a lot more – Code Section 108 – Income from discharge of indebtedness. Fortunately, a recent Tax Court opinion in the case of Michael G. and Julie A. Parker can provide us with a lesson in some of the important principles in this area.

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Minister’s Housing Allowance

There are tax perks to filing a tax return as an ordained minister. But some of the things you’ve heard in the pool of public opinion are false, while others have a hint of truth. For example, pastors and ministers do indeed pay income taxes. Churches, on the other hand, do not but that’s a different article for a different newsletter. If you are serving members of the clergy, it is important to understand these perks. One that I see messed up the most is the housing allowance. The IRS allows ordained ministers to exclude their housing allowance from taxable income. That is if they meet certain other criteria. The complete amount the church has deemed as a housing allowance is not always the amount that the IRS allows. Even with that, the excludable amount is only from income taxes, not all tax. Ministers also have special rules and a potential exemption when it comes to social security and Medicare taxes. This is where I see many well-meaning taxpayers and even tax professionals messing up. But that will not be you or your client. We are going to look at what the minister’s housing allowance is according to the IRS. Then we will look at who qualifies for it, and how to calculate it.

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Salt Miner’s Run for the Roses Ends with a Big Tax Bill

Judge Mark Holmes of the United States Tax Court expressed admiration for the achievements of Joseph G. Bucci Sr. whose American Rock Salt provides the salt to keep many of the streets in the Northeast passable in the winter. You can learn a bit about that from an interview in New York by Adriane Quinlan . The positive remarks were no help in the ultimate result. Judge Holmes agreed with the IRS that Bucci’s three side hustles — a real estate enterprise, a farm, and some racing horses — were “Activities not engaged in for profit” making losses unallowable. The total tab including accuracy penalties for 2016 and 2017 was $711,980. Judge Holmes explained the result in a bench opinion, which is less formal than a memo decision. The trial began in Buffalo on June 14, 2023.

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Injured Spouse Relief

“It feels like a sucker punch to the gut.” I was on the phone with a client who was a newlywed and filing with their new spouse for the first time. They kept their paycheck withholding as single. So, they were anticipating a larger than usual tax refund. Like a lot of taxpayers, they spent their refund before they even received it. Each day, they were checking “Where is My Refund ?” and even their IRS account. Then, it happened. Code 898: Refund applied to non-IRS debt . It looked as if they wouldn’t receive that refund they already spent. Now, my client did not know what to do. Before getting married, my client’s spouse told them, “I never get a tax refund.” But they failed to mention why they never got a refund. Honestly, they did not know what their refund was paying for. We later found out that each year the Treasury Department garnished the refund for back child support. My client knew their spouse had child support but did not know they were behind on it. If you have a client in this situation, all hope is not gone. I could help my client find out what offset the tax refund. We could also get a portion of the refund back. You can do the same thing for your client. That is assuming that one spouse is not liable for the debt that offset the tax refund. The IRS calls this injured spouse relief. I’ll walk you through how you can help your client with their refund garnishment sucker punch. Yes, you can help them get their part of the refund back. Let’s start with what injured spouse relief is. Then we’ll look at who qualifies as an injured spouse and how to request injured spouse relief.

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Client Alert

Tax Planning for Gig Workers

The gig economy has opened moneymaking avenues for taxpayers who otherwise might have trouble making ends meet. But hustling has a price: Gig jobs also ignite tax complications that many of those workers probably don’t know about. Learning about those obligations too late can cost gig workers back-tax penalties and interest. They can also result in those workers sabotaging their own tax situation and paying too much money to the government. What do gig workers need to know about their complicated tax situation?

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Client Alert
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