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Feature Article

By Jeff Stimpson

How to Advise on the EV Tax Credit

At one time, a federal tax credit toward the cost of an electric car seemed like a permanent idea to help fight pollution and climate change. Now, a political shift in the U.S. endangers the notion and, more to the point, makes advising clients tougher in a tighter timeframe. How and when can those clients interested in an electric car and the credit still secure a tax break?


The 1099 Nightmare

My attitude toward 1099 compliance changed radically about fifteen years ago. The type of 1099 compliance I am talking about is for business to business services. If you are running a bank or a brokerage house, this will not be any help. I was a partner in a regional firm and frankly I never gave 1099 compliance much thought until I was called in to consult on an audit. Then I got this really scary wake-up call...

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Client Alert

How Should a Disregarded Single Member LLC File a W-9?

Although Form W-9 has some other purposes, a company will usually ask you to fill it out if you are a business-to-business service provider . If you don’t provide a TIN to your customer, they may have to subject you to backup withholding . If it is my company that asks you for the W-9, I am not going to do backup withholding if you don’t send me the W-9. I’m just not going to pay you until you cough it up. I believe in learning from experience. But it is better if the experience you learn from is other people’s experience. That is why a very large percentage of my tax writing is from court opinions, most often the United States Tax Court. This piece is my own experience.

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The Tax Professional Self-Care 10 Commandments

Every Spring there is some point in the tax season that I have to remind myself why I chose to become a tax professional. I am often comforted to find out that I am not the only person questioning my career decision. Tax pros nationwide share on social media that they are thinking the same thing. So let me ask you. Why did you choose to do this to yourself again? You promised yourself to fire problem clients and improve systems. Yet we’re here in March, how did you do with keeping your promise to yourself? My first busy season Thomas Reuters released a video that I found funny, at one of their tax conferences. There are children that talk about why they want to be a tax accountant. A few reasons they give are: • To work 22-hour days; • To work with numbers that are changing all the time; • Having lots of turnover with burned out employees. My personal favorite is to have 3 people do the work of 8. In hindsight it almost sounds like they were describing the tax industry during 2020 and 2021. When I first watched the video, it was hilarious. But 12 years later I still smirk, but for different reasons. I can totally relate to the sarcasm. Nobody goes into this industry for those reasons yet here we are each Spring on the verge of burnout. Did you think of your why? I want you to write it really big and post it somewhere that you will see it every day when you are working at your desk. I want to share with you 10 things that you can implement to protect you and your why. I like to call them the Tax Professional Self-care 10 Commandments.

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The Dealer Vs Investor Problem for Real Estate Capital Gains

I remember trying to explain the dealer versus investor concept to a would-be real estate entrepreneur. I asked him whether he was holding the property for sale. He kind of looked at me and smiled and said “Everything is for sale. It just depends on how much.”. If there is any ambiguity it is easy to know what the answer is after the fact. If there was a big gain relative to expenses then you were an investor. If there was a loss, then you were a dealer. Unfortunately, you really are not supposed to practice that way. I am going to assume that you want investor status and that you are blessed with a gain. What can you do to make sure the IRS respects your investor status?

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Easy Tax Planning for Casual Gamblers

The tax law disadvantages gamblers with its treatment of gambling gains and losses. Add that to the fact that gamblers often aren’t the best recordkeepers, and you have a recipe for years of overpaying taxes. How most tax professionals attempt to reconcile gambling reporting on the tax return can cost gamblers thousands of dollars a year in increased taxes and Medicare premiums (if over age 65). We’ll discuss how to calculate gambling gains on the tax return, which in many cases reduces or eliminates the excess taxes many gamblers could pay.

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Yes, Virginia, There is a Tax Bankruptcy!

In society, bankruptcy no longer carries the humiliating stigma of failure ; which is why there are hundreds of thousands of bankruptcy filings each year. Interestingly enough, filings have been dropping dramatically since 2018. The total individual and business filings for fiscal year 2022 are nearly half of those from 2018. The statistics don’t include specific information about how much tax debt was extinguished in bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy is not for everyone. It can be a viable option for those people whose tax debt meets certain criteria. The following is a basic overview of the concept...

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Client Alert

Inflation Reduction Act 2022 Energy Tax Incentive Considerations

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-169; 8/16/22) could easily have been named the Energy Incentives Act of 2022. Over 20 provisions in the Act provide tax credits or special deductions to encourage the production and use of clean energy. The cost of these energy provisions over ten years is about $271 billion. In contrast, the ten-year revenue projection for the corporate AMT and one percent excise tax on certain stock buybacks is about $296 billion. Most of the energy credits are for businesses and are specialized such as for the production of clean hydrogen or sustainable aviation fuel or zero-emission nuclear power production. Four credits are designed for individuals including three revised credits and one entirely new one (§25E, Previously-owned clean vehicle credit). This article highlights key aspects of the credits and special energy provisions as a whole, offers tips for dealing with the complexities that exist in these IRA 2022 rules, and provides suggestions to help individuals obtain the greatest tax savings from the new and revised energy credits and rebates. A few charts are included to aid in understanding these credits.

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Client Alert

Year End Tax Saving Tips for the Digital Currency Investor

As a financial expert, I know that 2022 has been a roller coaster year for investors. With only days left in the year, the Dow is down and the S&P 500 is down . On the high-risk crypto side, Bitcoin has fallen 64 percent and former Top 10 coin Solana has fallen more than 92 percent thanks to Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX. While the markets may be down, taxpayers can still come out ahead through careful tax planning. By taking the time to assess your financial situation and make strategic decisions, you can minimize their tax burden and potentially save money. It's important to consult with a tax planning professional to ensure that you’re taking advantage of all available tax savings opportunities. Here are a few of the things to do before the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve.

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