Style, Content & Trademark usage guidelines - Think Outside the Tax Box

Content & Trademark Usage Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in sharing or republishing our content! Here are some ground rules … Thanks for the content love. We appreciate it!

  • Feel free to share links to any of our content by email and social media. We’ll love you for it!
  • Feel free to republish in full any Think Outside the Tax Box-original images (such as charts, graphs, cartoons, infographics), or videos, not otherwise copyright protected, by copying or embedding them and including them in your content, as long as you honor the Content Attribution Policy below. (Note: This does not include any stock images we’ve purchased for use in our content.)
  • Feel free to reference or quote up to 75 words of any of our text content (facts, figures, quotes, etc.) in your own blog articles, presentations, documents, etc. as long as you honor the Content Attribution Policy below.
  • Unfortunately, we can’t let you republish in full any of our text-based content (blog articles, PDFs, PPTs, DOCs) on the web. Why? Well, duplicate content is just bad for SEO, and Google will hate us for it.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill requests for original files (e.g., PDFs, PPTs, DOCs or original video files). Sorry!
  • You cannot make money off of our content.
  • You cannot claim our content as your original ideas (i.e., using our content and publishing it on a channel as your own). We love that you want to share it, but please just share the original link instead. Thank you!
  • Attribute Think Outside the Tax Box as the source.
  • Link to the original Think Outside the Tax Box source you’re referencing:
    • For references to a Think Outside the Tax Box article, link to the URL of the specific blog article you’re referencing.

Here at Think Outside the Tax Box, we take pride in our logos and trademarks, so we wanted to share some guidelines for using them.

First, a reminder on the ground rules:

Think Outside the Tax Box, the Think Outside the Tax Box logos, and other marks that we use are our trademarks (or simply, “marks”).  The appearance, layout, color scheme, and design of the Think Outside the Tax Box site are part of Think Outside the Tax Box’s protected trade dress. These are Think Outside the Tax Box’s intellectual property, and you may not use them without our prior written permission.

If we think that your use of our property is in violation of any of our guidelines, or if we feel that your use isn’t in Think Outside the Tax Box’s best interest, we can revoke your right to use our property at any time.

If you’re looking to link to our site, republish our images, or reference our text content, check out our Content Usage Guidelines.

  • If you participate in our affiliate program(s) — such as the Think Outside the Tax Box Marketing Affiliate program — your use of our marks is governed by your program or affiliate agreement.
  • You cannot use our marks and logos outside the scope of our affiliate agreement.
  • You may not alter any content or images that we provide to you.
  • Please don’t do any of the following:
    • Combine any of our marks with your name, your marks, or any generic terms
    • Incorporate any of our marks into your name or logo
    • Change the color of our logo 
    • Photoshop or otherwise modify our logos
    • Use old versions of our logos
    • Use our logo as a letter in any word, other than where published by us
    • Add words directly around the logos
    • Overlap our logo with shapes or photos
    • Associate our marks with any vulgar, obscene, indecent or unlawful material
    • Translate our marks into other languages

  • You may use a Think Outside the Tax Box trademark, brand name, or product name (but not a stylized version of any Think Outside the Tax Box mark, and not any Think Outside the Tax Box logos or icons) in a referential phrase to describe that your business uses Think Outside the Tax Box or offers products or services related to Think Outside the Tax Box, and provided:
    • Your use of the Think Outside the Tax Box word mark is referential and less prominent than your own business name or brand in the rest of the description. An example would be “[Solution Partner’s] webinar for Think Outside the Tax Box subscribers “. 
    • Your use, mention, or reference to Think Outside the Tax Box and/or its products does not deprecate Think Outside the Tax Box and/or its products.
    • You do not use any Think Outside the Tax Box stylized logo, images, product icons, or other Think Outside the Tax Box-owned graphic symbols without Think Outside the Tax Box’s express written permission.
    • You include a disclaimer, such as: “This webinar is independent of Think Outside the Tax Box, Inc., and is not authorized by, endorsed by, sponsored by, affiliated with, or otherwise approved by Think Outside the Tax Box, Inc.”

  • You may not create a Twitter handle or other social media account whose username or title could suggest affiliation with or endorsement by us.
  • You may not use our marks in any advertising creative or copy (digital, social, PPC or otherwise). This includes phrases, such as “Think Outside the Tax Box Partner”.
  • You may not use a trademark, domain name, or logo that is confusingly similar to our marks.
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