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Drawing on over 40 years of tax experience, Peter Reilly is a co-founder of CCR LLP, which grew to be one of the largest regional CPA firms in New England. He started blogging on what became Your Tax Matters Partner, and eventually he was asked to contribute to Forbes in 2011. Peter always brings the perspective of a practical large local/regional CPA who provides sound advice to clients that are not that patient.
As a tax planner, Peter made a few mistakes and saw others make many. As a blogger at and a columnist for Forbes and Think Outside the Tax Box, Peter comments on the opinions on tax matters that the courts issue at the federal and state level. He distills lessons with clarity and a touch of humor that make them easy for tax planners to apply to their clients’ situations.
Reilly’s Laws of Tax Planning grew organically with consistent themes and lessons emerging with each tax case Peter reviewed. The laws started out as jokes in his posts. He numbered them inconsistently, but commenters alerted Peter to when he mixed up the fifth and sixth laws and wondered how many laws there were. Peter recalls, “So as my sainted mother used to say, “I got organized.”
“Over the years, Peter [Reilly's Laws of Tax Planning] blog has been one of my go-to sources for current tax developments and incisive commentary”
“Peter Reilly, CPA, is a well-respected Forbes blogger, with a balanced viewpoint and a practical approach. Well worth reading.”
“I have enjoyed Peter's blogs and email correspondence over the years. What I appreciate most is Peter's interest in the stories of people involved in significant tax developments, usually cases involving some types of punishments, civil or criminal. Peter finds and reports the backstory, trying to understand why the people acted as they did to draw IRS or DOJ security. Peter tells their stories with empathy.”
Discover Peter Reilly’s life-changing laws of tax planning to optimize your tax strategies and unlock financial opportunities like never before. Take the first step towards financial freedom by securing your copy of Reilly’s Law of Tax PLanning (& Life!) today for just $24.99!